Currently Weather Service

About us

Currently is the world's first member-owned weather service. We provide subscription weather services, including personalized forecasts from our team of meteorologists. We also operate local weather newsletters in cities across North America and the Caribbean.

Our goal is to provide safety and joy during the climate emergency.

green grass field


yellow and black bus on asphalt road between buildings during daytime

Daily local weather newsletters

A quick, readable weather forecast full of personality written by a local expert — available in 15 cities and counting across North America and the Caribbean.

a woman standing in the grass looking at her cell phone

A direct line to a meteorologist

Have a weather question? Need a personal forecast for your big day? Want to reduce your climate risk?

Choose from the available plans below.

grayscale photography of group of people holding umbrella

Support for non-profits and newsrooms

Keeping on top of the weather is tough — especially with the changing climate. Our meteorologists can help you put it all in context for your unique situation.

Choose the pro option below.